EL NUEVO DIARIO, SAN PEDRO DE MACORÍS.- The Ministry of the Environment, under the provincial direction, headed by Juan Bautista Peguero and the person in charge of Risks of the City Council of San Pedro de Macorís, intervened this Wednesday morning several booths on the boardwalk of that province where bathroom pipes were installed to dump waste into a septic tank that they intended to build.This intervention was the result of a complaint that was made on social networks where a person was seen digging a hole behind the booth identified as Los Cocos Drink Bar.Juan Bautista assured that he will not allow anyone to affect the environment by violating Law 64-00.Booth Los Cocos Drink Bar in SPM (Photo: External source)He also assured that the owners of these businesses that engage in this malpractice will be notified so that the damage they are doing is discontinued.The director specified that they should look for portable toilets so that a company dedicated to these works removes the waste.Ave. Francia, No. 41, Esq. Rocco Cochia, San Juan Bosco.Sto.Dgo, Dom. Rep.© Copyright 2022 The New Journal.All rights reserved.Website developed by Editora El Nuevo Diario.